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I am one of the 3 certified Wim Hof Method instructors in Lithuania.

The pioneer of this method is Wim Hof, a Dutchman who was once called the 'ice man' and was able to break 26 Guinness World Records precisely because of his incredible relation to the cold. After he got the media attention and international fame, he did not stop and set himself the biggest of goals - to convince the scientific community that anyone could do what he could and that everyone could make a difference in their mental and physical health by doing simple breathing exercises and going to the cold water regularly and with confidence. The Wim Hof Method consists of several poles:


This is the most intimidating and attention-grabbing 'pole' of the method. Just a few still minutes in the water fundamentally changes our chemistry. The benefits of the cold include boosting the immune system, circulatory training, a burst of ‘good’ hormones, and many more.


A special breathing technique called ‘conscious deep breathing’ can be done separately from going into cold water, however it can prime the body and mind to deal better with the upcoming cold. Wim Hof always says that this is not his invention, but the adaptation of ancient breathing techniques.


The most abstract and difficult to explain but the most essential pole of the method. Only by believing and trusting our innate body abilities and wanting to expand the limits of our comfort we can make a change. It is crucial to do that with joy but consistently, so that we can fully experience the benefits of the Wim Hof Method.

Each of these poles has a role to play and brings different benefits to the WHM practitioner. Combining them all will reveal the full potential of the method.

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